Properties Sort by: Publish date Title Price Bedrooms Bathrooms Location: North Area m²: 105 $400/mo 4 3 For Rent House for rent in the North of Nha Trang ID H313 Location: North $210/mo 2 1 For Rent House for rent in the North ID H312 Location: West Area m²: 400 $500/mo 4 For Rent House for rent with garden ID H311 Location: West Area m²: 433,8 $300,000 5 7 SOLD SOLD For Sale 5 bedroom villa with swimming pool ID S182 Location: South $700/mo 4 4 For Rent 4-br house for rent in the South ID H310 Area m²: 300 $435/mo 3 3 For Rent 3 br house with garden in the north H309 Location: South Area m²: 80 $163,000 4 3 SOLD SOLD For Sale House for sale with swiftlets business in the south S158 Location: Centre Area m²: 430 $1,300/mo 4 5 For Rent 4 bedroom house for rent near Coopmart H308 Location: North Area m²: 490 $95,000 3 2 sold sold For Sale House for sale in Vinh Luong, Nha Trang city S155 Location: West Area m²: 149 $100,860 2 2 SOLD SOLD For Sale 2 bedroom house for sale in the West S154 Location: West Area m²: 180 $183,000 3 2 sold sold For Sale House for sale with sauna-swimming pool in Nha Trang S152 Location: South Area m²: 400 $870/mo 3 5 For Rent 3 br house for rent in the south H307 Location: North Area m²: 65 $110,000 4 2 SOLD SOLD For Sale 4-bedroom House for Sale in the north. ID S142 Location: West Area m²: 291 $800/mo 3 4 For Rent 3-br House for Rent in Phuoc Long A Urban in the west ID H305 Location: North Area m²: 300 $870/mo 5 5 For Rent 5 br house for rent in the north H305 Location: West Area m²: 300 $1,920/mo 5 4 For Rent 5 br house for rent near Long Beach ID H304 Location: North Area m²: 130 Featured $400/mo 4 2 For Rent 4-bedroom House for Rent. ID H303 Location: Centre Area m²: 41 $450/mo 2 1 For Rent 2-br unfurnished house for rent in centre ID H302 Location: Centre Area m²: 47 $500/mo 2 2 For Rent 2-br unfurnished house for rent in centre ID H301 Location: North Area m²: 50 $280/mo 2 2 For Rent 2-br unfurnished house for rent in the north ID H300 Location: West Area m²: 125 $300/mo 2 2 For Rent 2-br house for rent in the West ID H299 Location: North Area m²: 125 $340/mo 2 2 For Rent 2-br unfurnished house for rent in the North ID H298 Location: South $650/mo 4 3 For Rent 4-br house for rent in the South ID H297 Location: North Area m²: 240 $870/mo 5 5 For Rent 5-br House for rent in the North ID H296 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next page →
Location: West Area m²: 433,8 $300,000 5 7 SOLD SOLD For Sale 5 bedroom villa with swimming pool ID S182
Location: South Area m²: 80 $163,000 4 3 SOLD SOLD For Sale House for sale with swiftlets business in the south S158
Location: North Area m²: 490 $95,000 3 2 sold sold For Sale House for sale in Vinh Luong, Nha Trang city S155
Location: West Area m²: 149 $100,860 2 2 SOLD SOLD For Sale 2 bedroom house for sale in the West S154
Location: West Area m²: 180 $183,000 3 2 sold sold For Sale House for sale with sauna-swimming pool in Nha Trang S152
Location: North Area m²: 65 $110,000 4 2 SOLD SOLD For Sale 4-bedroom House for Sale in the north. ID S142
Location: West Area m²: 291 $800/mo 3 4 For Rent 3-br House for Rent in Phuoc Long A Urban in the west ID H305
Location: North Area m²: 50 $280/mo 2 2 For Rent 2-br unfurnished house for rent in the north ID H300
Location: North Area m²: 125 $340/mo 2 2 For Rent 2-br unfurnished house for rent in the North ID H298